Sunday, August 9, 2020

JetSki on the water (James River, VA)

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Ski's finally running!

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The number of parts I've thrown at this ski is starting to add up:
Jet Ski Solutions Stator
SBT Crankshaft Seals
SBT Starter
Starter Relay
Intake Grate
Finally, though, I got it running and called my friend, Ian, to see if he'd like to join me on the water with his boat, since breakdown was surely inevitable 😉

He agreed and we set out to the nearest boat ramp...

The ski started and ran well. Once we reached a calm cove off the side of the James River we decided to uncover the engine compartment to check for water, since I knew the [non-waterproof] toggle switch to the bilge pump wasn't working. WOW! That's a lot of water!

I decided to cut the wires and jump them to get the bilge pump to run, emptying the engine compartment of most of the water.

One apparent source of the water was a crack in the exhaust pipe, which is injected with water to help cool. I'll remove the pipe, weld the crack & swap the toggle switch (installed by previous owner) with a waterproof unit. After that, another trip to the river to identify the next repair needed 😄

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