Saturday, March 6, 2021

Season Ender - Canaan Valley

Rebecca and I headed to Canaan Valley for our final ride of the season on a Thursday afternoon, reaching our AirBnb just before dusk.

On Friday morning we drove a few short miles to Canaan Valley Resort, where we were delighted to find only a few dozen riders there on a weekday. Not once did we have to wait in line to load the lift!

Although some recent warm weather had melted a percentage of their base, the slopes were well groomed and we only found a few icy spots to navigate around. Unfortunately, Rebecca slid out in one of these areas, landing hard on her tailbone and causing pain significant enough to cut her day short.

With that, we retreated to the cabin to prepare lunch, before I returned to the resort to log a few more runs before the end of the day.

That night we drove into Thomas to order tacos from Picnic.

On Saturday morning the pain was really setting in, so Rebecca stayed in bed while I headed to Timberline to check out their park. I took along my Skydio2 to catch a quick session through the park before heading back to check out of the cabin and head back to Virginia.

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