Since the SMEC round this season was rainy, I decided to save my money and sit it out. The following month, though, Patrick at the VIR Kart Track announced a trackday for the low, low price of $100.

With that announcement, I was swapping the 17" wheels onto the YZ and loading the Crosstrek up with awning and misting fan to help keep cool in the June heat.

A high-school friend of mine had started riding MiniGP bikes a couple years ago, so we decided to meet at VIR to get in some track time together and catch up on the last 20 or so years since the 12th grade 😁
The day was a success, with only one lowside which resulted in no injuries and a couple runouts while I was attempting to back-in the rear of the bike. All in all, a great day on the track!
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