Saturday, August 27, 2022

Snowshoe Bike Park (West Virginia)

When some friends invited me to ride with them at Snowshoe the same weekend I would be racing a hare scramble in southwest Virginia, I decided not to turn up the opportunity. I loaded up the trailer AND roof tray to carry the dirt AND mountain bikes to wild, wonderful West Virginia.

Since reaching the ripe old age of 41, I’ve opted to ride cross-country more often than lift-accessed parks. One, because I get a better workout – and two, because there’s less chance I’ll suffer an injury.

Since there would be so much driving involved, I decided to extend my weekend by taking off Thursday and Friday to ride XC in Slatyfork, just below Snowshoe Mountain. Both of those days were long and exhausting, so I figured some lift-accessed runs would be a good break before my dirt bike race on Sunday.

It’s been several years since I rode at Snowshoe, but the runs still felt familiar and I had a great group of riders to follow down the track.

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