Rebecca found an amazing AirBnB for our time in Nicaragua - an off-grid house perched high above the jungle.

We were set to land in Managua late on Monday night, so Rebecca booked a second AirBnB in Grenada. When we reached our connecting flight, however, we received a message that the water had been shut off there and our host had most graciously booked us a room at the Hotel Plaza Colon instead. We were amazed by the gesture and gladly changed our plans for the night.

The next morning we woke to the sounds of wild birds, emerging to the balcony to watch shop keepers and horse-drawn carriages prepare for the day. Once checked out, we sought out breakfast and toured the plaza before continuing South.

Our final destination was in Iguana, Nicaragua, so we set off from Grenada midday with plenty of time to reach the house before sundown.

The drive was pretty interesting, sharing the road with every conceivable vehicle and even the occasional herd of livestock.

Along the drive to Iguana, we stopped at a fruit stand to load up our pantry.

The best part of the drive to our AirBnB was the final jaunt up the mountain. Our little Jimny handled it wonderfully, scooting through mud holes and up the rutted mountainside.

We took daily trips to explore different beaches such as Playas Popoyo, Gigante, Maderas, and Majagual.

Majagual was our favorite, though, with an isolated feel and beautiful scenery. Our best meal was there, also, at Matilda's.

At Playa Maderas, we rented surf boards and spent some time trying to catch waves.

On our final day, we took the scenic route back to Managua. At one point, we reached a bridge yet to be completed, so we found passage around by driving through the river it was meant to circumvent. Once back on the main road, we set our sights for the Maderas Volcano.

The next morning we flew out of Managua. Although it was a spectacular trip, we were both happy to return home.
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