A vacation from my vacation - how nice is that?

My Dad and stepmom have been vacationing in Hawaii for six seasons and this year they invited my brother and I to join them for a week. The entire week was great and it was nice getting to spend some time with them during my west coast retreat.

Some highlights of the trip were kiteboarding, sailing on a catamaran, whale watching, surfing, snorkeling, and seeing my Dad and brother RUN the local pool table. The trip charged up my batteries for the long haul back home which starts TOMORROW!

Horray! You're coming back so soon! And that last picture of you is fantastic.
Wow that is beautiful. A whole different world from the snow I've been seeing in Mass. all week. Damn now I want to go diving again. Can you pick me up an economic stimulus package on your way back thru? Are you still heading up north to BC on the return?
Not going as far as BC. My friends don't have a passport and it'll be a month-long trip already.
I take back wanting to see those pictures. Now I'm just jealous. I'm glad you got to enjoy your vacay away from your vacay!
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