After a fairly good race at Coyote Run (excluding the bad start), I was eager to see how I could perform at the next race.

The good luck began when my YZ started on the first kick, which allowed me to get into the woods near the middle of our group, rather than at the very back as I'm usually kick-starting for a few seconds while the rest of the line leaves.

As usual, the most difficult part of these races is making a clean pass. I did have a couple incidents, but for the most part the course had enough alternate lines to allow for it. I did get a little balled up, though, during one pass - this caused my chest to hit the handlebar, tossing my GoPro MAX from the chest mount and sucking up valuable minutes while I dissasembled the broken connectors and got it back on its mount.

Overall, I finished in 6th out of 16 riders. It's a result I'm certainly happy with.
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