In what has become an annual tradition, Rebecca and I met my brother, his girlfriend, my mother, and stepfather in Cass, West Virginia to take on the 25 mile ride to Marlinton.

On Friday we rendezvoused with my mother & stepfather in Cass before heading to the Locust Hill Inn for dinner. We discovered the Inn two years ago and have been coming back ever since. It's a great setting for outdoor dining, especially with our recent adoption of social-distancing.

This year we had one additional participant - our dog Lola. She'd overheated the previous weekend, so we decided not to send her to the boarder with her brother, Ruprecht. Instead, we brought along the bike trailer and I towed her, taking stops every so often to let her swim in the river and maintain a low temperature.

The frequent stops were a welcome change. Sometimes taking a moment to enjoy the surroundings is key to capturing the full extent of the experience.

In particular, we spent more time cooling off in the Greenbrier and its tributaries than ever before, discovering a hidden waterfall on the side of the trail.

Once we reached Marlinton, we ate lunch at the newly relocated Dirt Bean before loading up the bikes and driving back to Cass.
Once back, Rebecca and I walked down to the river to soak in the cool water.

That night we played dominoes before calling it a day. The next morning we cleaned up, loaded our respective vehicles, and set off toward home. Rebecca and I took two detours on the way to look at some properties for sale in the neighboring counties. It's a long way out, but eventually we'd like to buy a small plot of land to build a tiny home and homestead.
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