After posting photos of adventures in the Crosstrek on Instagram incessantly, I eventually received Subaru Ambassador status. With this newfound title, I was happily obliged to attend Subaru Winterfest in order to share the love.

Just as last season, my accommodations for this trip would be the cozy confines of the hatchback. On Friday afternoon I set out for Slatyfork, rolling out the sleeping bags and cracking a cold one by dusk.
The next morning I drove to the summit, walked into the village to geek out on Subaru gear, then suited up for a day on the mountain. Conditions were perfect! The snow the night before had left a fair amount of soft stuff on the edges of the slopes and the skies were blue and sunny! Eventually the clouds rolled in, bringing along some more snow to soften things a bit more.
During my lunch break back at the car, a fellow Crosstrek owner struck up a conversation and we traded stories of aftermarket additions and offroad travels. After lunch I headed back to the village to test my luck at the Subaru gear raffle (no luck!), then boarded a shuttle bus for Silver Creek (the mountain's night-riding destination).

A handful of runs later, I was ready to call it a day. I packed up my board and gear and headed back to Richmond.
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