Each time we visit Bryce Resort to ride mountain bikes, I wonder how the resort would stack up to others in its winter season. The resort sits at a relatively low elevation, just over 1,200 feet, but is littered with snow-making nozzles. As Rebecca and I discovered on a relatively mild day in February, those nozzles were well-deserved. The land around the resort was completely brown - not even a speck of snow remaining after several above-average-temperature days. The slopes, however, remained covered in snow.

Despite having only one lift, we experienced no delays in loading the chair. To add to the crowd, there was a collegiate competition that weekend. Even so, there was zero issue with overcrowding.

The trip to Bryce marked the first test of my new Ossur knee brace. I purchased it after experiencing prolonged pain in my knee following a simple over-rotation while working on the Crosstrek. In other words, I didn't injure my knee, but wanted to prevent the possibility of doing so.
I was delighted to experience no discomfort with the brace. I tested this with a few board presses, surface spins, and other moves which required the lateral movement of my knee. All movements felt fine, and the brace seemed to stay in place the entire day.

Rebecca and I were thoroughly pleased with our first experience at Bryce. With its proximity to Winchester (Rebecca's hometown), I expect we'll be making another trip or two before season's end.
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