This season I decided to buy the MTBParks Pass instead of a season pass at a single resort. I figured it'd be a good incentive to travel beyond the regular West Virginia destinations that have become commonplace.

I have only ridden Blue Mountain once before, during the final stop of the 2010 Gravity East Series. Since I was relegated mainly to the race course back then, I was excited to see what other trails the park had to offer.

As chance would have it, I saw a familiar face while registering for my lift ticket. My friend, Jarrod, was riding at Blue Mountain also, so we ran laps together.
The park was great! Rocky gnar mixed with carved berms and jumps. Although some of the tabletops were a bit small to boost with much steam, the large jump line, Empire, featured longer transitions between lip and landing which allowed much better hang time.

While I rode, Rebecca took the dogs to explore the woods via the Appalachian Trail, which actually crossed directly through the upper section of the resort.
Once we rejoined at the parking lot, Rebecca and I searched out a spot to take a dip in the nearby creek before heading to dinner at Slopeside Pub and Grill.

That night we found camping along the AT and in the morning we packed up and headed home. Considering the traffic we encountered in either direction, it was a lot of effort for one day of riding, but certainly worth it to put my tires on dirt I haven't seen in nearly six years.

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