After successfully removing Slaughterama's mass appeal during 2011's Knot-a-rama and 2012's Sort-a-rama, we decided that the tenth year of our event was a good time to bring it back full-force. Christian found a great new spot and Zach created a new event - Hungry Hungry Hippos.

The club didn't hype the event much, just sending out a last-minute blast to the teams about when/where to meet. Friday's scavenger hunt went well, with about 8 teams representing. The course covered the entire city and ended at Skateland, where we tallied the winners and skated until gnarly blisters formed.

Saturday kicked off with a ride from Shiplock Park to the official Slaughterama location (not that I'll disclose it). The crowd was smaller than in past years, but perfectly comprised of teams and kids on bikes - no more overflow from VCU and most importantly - no drum circles!