Okay, so we had some last-minute dropouts, and perhaps the nonstop rain on Saturday wasn't ideal - but we still had one hell of a weekend!

Puck, Jarrod, Joe, and Andy headed for Snowshoe on Thursday and were met by Sergio (who drove from Detroit). On Friday night Joey, Dignon, and I showed up to find the whole bunch of them waste-faced and ready to party. The weekend was looking good!

The next day we watched the rain fall while we finished off the rest of the beer in the cooler. Eventually a few of us decided to get out there despite the weather. Joey, Puck, and Dignon did some four-wheeling in Joey's Jeep while we soaked up the rain and made a few runs on the mountain.

A trip to refill the cooler and a delicious dinner rounded out Saturday's festivities and the promise of less rain had us looking forward to Sunday. When we woke, the view from the porch looked poor, but by the time we'd finished breakfast the rain had stopped and only a thick fog remained. We geared up and headed out into the muddy, wonderful woods. The riding was phenomenal! Slippery and wet, but absolutely fun at the same time. Sunday's riding definitely made up for the constant rain earlier. Even with the inclement weather, hanging out in the condo and just spending time with close friends really made this trip great.