"I, and I am sure all of Boston Bike Polo, was humbled by the show of comaraderie from NYC, class from Ottawa and belligerence from RVA."

We drove to Boston with twelve players, thirteen bikes, and several cases of RedBull and FOUR. Yeah, it was a wild trip to say the least. Once in Boston, the herd crashed at Phil's old house and awoke to the sweet smell of Dunkin' Donuts. After a quick snack we headed to the court, adjacent to the bay in beautiful Boston, Massachussetts. A few pickup games warmed up the group and then the real competition began. Richmond had five or six teams at the tourney, which meant that sooner or later we'd have to face off against each other. It ended up being team Jennie VS the Steel Horsemen (my team). The RVA rough-housing was crucial as always and my team was able to sneak away with the win. The next battle would be Ottowa. We'd played against Robbie and Alexis in DC, but their third player, Jen, proved to be a formidable goalie. It was a hard fought game, but in the end we fell to the Canucks. After that we faced a Boston team. Perhaps it was because of the recent loss to Ottawa, but for some reason we seemed to fall apart out there. We lost to Boston's "Judas and the Betrayers". At the end of the day we walked away with third place. The polo was great anyway, so we weren't mad for long.

After the games we basically just partied and rode bikes for the remainder of the weekend. On Sunday we loaded up the bus and started off for Richmond. The bus wasn't feeling it, however, and we had to limp it all the way home, trailing smoke and ATF. It'll be an expensive repair...